08 Sep
Culture of Safety
Safety culture is defined as shared values, attitudes and patterns of behaviors among individuals or within groups of an organization (Halligan et al., 2011) in which implies organization’s safety programme. No doubt that safety culture is a necessity for any health care organization to optimize its safety and deliver a good and safe care to… Continue reading
19 Jul
Understanding and addressing missed care in clinical placements — Implications for nursing students and nurse educators
Nurses and nursing students need to become more familiar with analysing what do when they experience the discomfort of inner conflict (dissonance) that comes with omitting a care activity while knowing that this is inconsistent with nursing values. If they reflect critically and restore their care in an optimal way they will feel better and… Continue reading
24 Apr
Medication without harm
WHO’s Third Global Patient Safety Challenge on “Medication without harm” took place in Germany last 29 March 2017. There, around of 300 professionals from 40 countries discussed patient safety concepts in 6 different workshops: “Economy and Efficiency of Patient Safety”, “Global Patient Safety –perspectives from low-and middle-income Countries”, “Patient Safety and mHealth, Big Data, and… Continue reading