08 Jan
‘How do top-down patient safety initiatives permeate through organisational culture within an NHS Foundation Trust’?
Since the 1990s patient safety has been recognised as a major concern within healthcare worldwide, as well as within the UK National Health Service (NHS). There is evidence to suggest that contact with healthcare can cause avoidable harm and unnecessary death. In the literature, these significant safety failings have often been linked to the prevailing… Continue reading
04 Dec
SLIPPs Meeting at Northumbria University 2017.
The transnational management group of SLIPPs met for their third face to face meeting at the University of Northumbria in Newcastle upon Tyne in November. The meeting was very successful and the items discussed included: -Further developing the transnational database: functions and specifications -The Learning event records that we have already collected : some very… Continue reading
02 Dec
Action after adverse events – the second victims need help too
Patient safety incidents are common in healthcare even that patient safety has been a priority for many years in healthcare. It is estimated that every tenth patient faces harm during their care. This means huge amount of human suffering, financial lost, and unfavorable impact on effectiveness of healthcare services. The harm is not restricted just… Continue reading
09 Nov
Patient safety culture in nursing homes
The Norwegian group involved in the development of SLIPPS is also involved in a research project on patient safety culture in Norwegian nursing homes. The patient safety culture in Norwegian hospitals is being investigated with a major national survey each year. The patient safety culture in Norwegian nursing homes is to a much lesser degree,… Continue reading
27 Sep
Helping teachers to identify meaningful learning experiences
Clinical placements allow students to enhance their learning and enable them to develop appropriate professional skills and attitudes. Similarly, students reflections obtained about clinical placements can help teachers and other faculty staff i) to understand the gaps between academia and industry; ii) as tools to explore alternative ways of thinking, and iii) as prompts to… Continue reading