24 Feb
Medical Errors
A rather frequent event that occurs to in-hospital patients is clinical deterioration, especially briefly following their hospital admission. One of the indicators for patient’s early clinical deterioration is the activation of the Rapid Response Systems within 48 hours of patient’s admission. Based on a recent study conducted in the USA, not even the severity of… Continue reading
01 Feb
SLIPPs Conference June 2018
SLIPPS held its first 1 day European Patient Safety Education and Research conference at the beautiful Østfold University College in Fredrikstad Campus, Norway on June 7th 2018. See call for abstracts FLYER MULTIPLIER EVENT UCO June 2018
24 Jan
24 Jan
Mobile Apps for Patient Safety
Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) and Learning & Knowledge Technology (LKT) have brought a social revolution that has pushed to the health context towards a process of continuous innovation. Terms such as e-Health, m-Health, telenursing, telemedicine, Health-apps or even Dr Google are well known among health professionals around the worth (Vizcaya et al., 2017). Mobile… Continue reading
16 Jan
Learning Event Recording Tool (LERT) to be embedded in curricula
The University of Northumbria at Newcastle in the UK plans to embed the SLIPPS learning event recording tool (LERT) in the curricula of several health care professions. This will allow students to use the tool: whenever they want as often as they want as part of their professional education course for their own personal learning if they wish… Continue reading