29 Aug
Virtual Learning Center and Its Effect on Learning
A virtual learning center is an online learning platform that uses computer software to partake in a web-based educational platform. Even though this method of teaching and learning has been accepted with mixed feelings, studies have demonstrated that there is a growing demand for virtual learning centers on a global scale. Designed to address the… Continue reading
14 Jun
SLIPPS Meeting at the University of Østfold, Norway
SLIPPS held a very successful one day conference (multiplier event) in Norway on the 7th June with participants from practice, academia and government. The event hosted by Østfold University College partners showcased the SLIPPs project and the developments we have made, in particular the development of the SLIPPS Learning Event Recording Tool (SLERT) and the… Continue reading
15 May
The Gelli Law: Focusing on the Safety of Care and Health Professional Accountability
Recently a decree of the Italian Ministry of Health in APRIL 2017 put in place the innovative Law 24/2017 known colloquially as the Gelli Law, which is focused on the safety of care and the occupational accountability of practitioners in health professions. This law underlines the patient’s right to receive safe care, directly drawn from… Continue reading
06 Apr
Learning from experiences: Communication with specialist teams – a gap in the system?
Inevitably our professional interests are shaped by the important learning events we experience and one compelling personal experience can have enduring consequences for our careers. My interest in clinical errors began at 7.00am one Sunday morning over 20 years ago. I was coming to the end of my night shift in charge of the Intensive… Continue reading
12 Mar
SLIPPs TMG meeting Genova 7th & 8th March 2018.
SLIPPs TMG members were in Genova last week for a very productive 2 day meeting. During the meetings the group we were shown the first two SLIPPs simulation scenario prototypes developed by the Sim Scenario sub-group, based on SLIPPs data and brilliantly performed, and reflected on, by University of Genova Nursing students. The virtual seminars… Continue reading