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Q0 | Description of the event | Reflective account/reflection on the event | Profession | If you selected Other, please specify: | Age | Gender | Year in Programme | The type of clinical/work placement in which the event happened | If you selected Other, please specify: | What the important learning event broadly related to (multiple answer) - Communication | Confidentiality | Checking/Verification | Decision making | Food and nutrition | Leadership, guidance and education | Hand over/information transfer | Infection prevention and control | Invasive procedures | Medications | Moving and handling | Teamwork | Procedure and / or treatment | Using technology or equipment | Violence | Other | If you selected Other, please specify: | What type of learning event do you feel it was? | If the event was a patient safety incident, was it reported through a healthcare reporting system? | If you answered no, why not? | If the event was a patient safety incident, was it documented in the patient's files? | If you answered no, why not? |
5 | During my time at placement I was asked by a patient on the ward if I could help her through to the toilet, and at the time I was by myself. However in handover it was discussed that this lady only needed assistance of one person, and I had also seen her on her feet before so I felt confident enough to take her through to the toilet. The lady was small however struggled to stand up out of her chair, and despite my help came sliding off the chair. I immediately shouted for help as I was unable to reach the emergency buzzer and also wanted to be next to her to reassure her that everything was ok. The patient was very upset and anxious, although she did not hurt herself she was in shock about what had happened. Nurses and a healthcare came to the scene where they helped me to assess the patient while reassuring her she was safe and everything was ok. As a team we managed to calm her down, and got her back into her chair safely. The Nurse then asked me to explain in detail what had happened, and asked me to carry out a set of observations to make sure the lady was ok. They explained that I did the right thing calling for help and also did a good job to reassure and stay with the patient. | Before the incident happened I felt confident in assisting the patient by myself, however after seeing her struggling to stand I became unsure. After the event happened I felt worried, panicked and guilty as I could see how distressed the patient was. I believe that this lady should have need at least 2 people to help transfer her, and that this information should be adapted and shared on her board and within handover. I learnt from this event that if I feel unsure at any point I should ask for help straight away, even if it means going against other instructions you have been given if its for safety reasons. I also learned how to deal with a patient when they are anxious after an incident. This situation is important and memorable to me as it always makes me think about how a patients mobility can change, and how to ask for help or share new information about a patient with others to reduce any risks. | 5 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||
5 | ee had a patient who came down from intensive care and he was very confused. He made the nursing aware that he was suffering from confusion and he was seeing objects that did not exist. On the night shift, he reported that he could see a cat under the bed which was hissing and fell out of the hospital bed in his cubicle. The nursing team checked him over but there was no sign of a head injury. However, as per trust policy, it was the nurses duty to send him for a scan within the first eight hours of the fall. The outcome of the patients fall, led him to be put on a fall risk, low mattress with his hospital bed sides up. | During the event I felt anxious about the patient's wellbeing and did not know what to do. I felt in the way as a student, but glad I got involved. I learnt that these things are about to happen and it is out of our control sometimes. | 5 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 18 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | Me and another student nurse answered a buzzer to a Patient needing to use bed pan, we informed the other health care assistants as were unsure on what method she used as the women was over weight and needed the use of a hoist. The health care assistants informed us to lift her out of the chair using the hoist and leave her hovering over a bed pan. This took place in patients room this made me and the other student nurse feel very uncomfortable as felt is was not only undignified for patient but a major safety risk to leave patient alone without being supervised in the hoist. The patient was able to use the bed pan and placed back into her chair. There was a discussion of the event between me, student, nurse and health care assistant on how uncomfortable we felt doing what they told us to do as well as insisting they should not continue in future to use this method as it puts patient at risk. | this was an important event as it showed me how others can be more focused on wanting t | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Within this piece of reflection, I will be looking upon the time I went to endoscopy with patient x. Myself and a surgeon with his assistants were present throughout the procedure, however, before the procedure I was one on one with the patient. During this one on one time, patient x, spoke to me about their nerves for the procedure as it was a high risk for this individual. I was able to reassure the patient that I would be there throughout the procedure to give support, patient x was pleased about this as we had a good rapport that was formed during previous care. During the procedure I was observing, others were assisting the surgeon in keeping the patient semi - sedated and calm throughout. The context of event was surgery; therefore, it was there was a point where patient x was very uncomfortable during the procedure in which I comforted them. I feel that due to having a very good relationship with the patient previously that this allowed the patient to feel more comfortable when I gave my reassurance as I had built trust with them. Patient x needed this procedure due to an ulcer in the stomach that was causing heavy melena/ Haematochezia. The result was that two clips were placed around the ulcer that was causing the melena, and she was able to go back to the ward with her family. The family members of patient x gave me good feedback as the patient had spoken to the family about the care that I had provided and compassion before, throughout and after their procedure at endoscopy. after the event I was able to use this as a learning experience for patient safety as within this procedure the patient felt vulnerable but myself and the surgeon with his assistants were able to reassure her and allow her to feel safer. | I was anxious before the event as I knew that this was a high risk for the patient, and I had never been within this position previously. I wanted to ensure that I was not going to hinder the surgeon when comforting the patient, so I chose to stand away from the procedure but still give verbal reassurance. At the time of the event I felt that this was quite an extra ordinary experience as I was able to observe the procedure and have a look into the inside of a human body for the first time. The event overall made me feel empowered as it widened my knowledge into the different possible opportunities this placement was able to provide. this experience was also significant to me due to receiving positive feedback from patient x's family as this was the first time I had gained some recognition from a patient and their family. it was also significant to experiencing anatomy and physiology first hand. I think others could also learn from this event as they would have an understanding of patient x's vulnerability and how they can combat this and help the patient to feel safe, they can also learn from the anatomy and physiology aspects of the event. | 5 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | I was doing an admission for a patient onto the ward during a long day, it was towards the end of my shift. The patient was admitted following a fall so it was important to consider aspects of her safety needs, I decided that it was appropriate to put a falls monitor in place so that staff would know if she was standing up in order to prevent her from falling and injuring herself any further. I discussed this with my mentor who said that it was a good decision. The outcome was that she didn't have any further falls whilst n hospital because of this device. | I was nervous whilst doing the admission as I had only done a few previously and did not want to make any mistakes which could have resulted in a negative outcome. The event occurred since a patient fell whilst at home and then went to accident and emergency where they were then transferred to our ward. It was memorable because it was one of the first admissions I had done, I have learnt from the experience because I understand the importance of falls tech in the safety of patients. | 5 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Documentation | 1 | 2 | N/A | |||||||||||||||||
5 | When I was in the residential care home on placement a resident had fallen over when she was standing up from the dinner table. There was 3 care assistants who witnessed it, myself (student nurse) and other residents. It happened during lunch time about 12:30pm, when everyone was in the dining room. The resident was not sat on a fall sensor matt which detects when the patient moves. She was not harmed but just a little bit shaken by the event, she was given a cup of tea with sugar to help her. It was then discussed when all of the residents were safe back in the lounge with a supervisor who then queried as to why she was not sat on a matt, and accident report was then completed by the supervisor. | Before the event I felt positive and everyone was enjoying their lunch, during the event i was worried as to how she was and if she had any injuries. Other residents were also shaken when the event had happened and also worried about the person who had fallen. The patient should've been sat on a matt if she was a known falls risk, there should of been someone sat at the table with her. I discussed with the supervisor and carers after the event, just clarifying the next steps that would be taken to ensure it did not happen again and if the patient was harmed in any way and if she needed to be examined by the doctor or needed any pain relief. I believe that it was important to my learning as it shows that people should always be checked for their own needs. I was significant to me as there was many people there would could've prevented this accident but didn't. | 5 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||
5 | During my placement working on a ward I was asked by a nurse towards the end my shift to help wash a patient. The nurse was told by a health care assistant that the patient had been cared for and was ready for bed. However, when the nurse went in to see the patient, she found the patient in a concerning state. The patient had not been washed, her clothes and her pad had not been changed. The patients bed was wet and she also did not have access to her call bell. Me and the nurse attended to the patient, during washing her it became clear that the patient's pad had not been changed in a while and her personal hygiene needs had not been met. Once we had changed the patients bedding, clothing and made sure she was comfortable, we recorded on the patients turn chart what we had done. After, the nurse talked to the health care assistant and asked if she had been in to care for the patient as it was evident that the patient had not been cared for. The nurse felt upset and annoyed about what had happened to the patient and felt that it was unacceptable. | This event made me feel uncomfortable and upset. When the nurse asked the health care assistant if she had cared for the patient and got her ready for bed, I felt uncomfortable as we both knew that the patient had not been seen to in a while and that the patients needs had been ignored.I found the event was upsetting, it was unacceptable that the patient had been left in that condition for so long. | 5 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 9 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | While on placement in semester one, i was on a long shift on the ward. One patient seemed unwell, he was not verbally communicating so we took a step back and looked at his body language. I was actually with the practice facilitator who was working on the ward that day and in the bay with this gentleman. We discussed and observed, the gentleman had just had a hip replacement and was leaning to the other side which suggested he was in pain. I checked his obs and found his oxygen levels were quite low. The practice facilitator spoke to the doctor/nurse and this gentleman was then put on oxygen and was giving some pain relief. The doctor also checked him over and we started to monitor his fluid intake and urine output. | This patient safety example showed me that we have to listen to patients even when they are not verbally communicating. We have to look at body language and facial expressions. Before the event i felt positive and i was getting out with my shift. During the event i was concerned for the patient, but the practice facilitator guided me and she was a great support. She really helped me understand how to look and observe this patient while he was not verbally communicating. Yes i think we can all learn from this event, communicating with others is sometimes more than verbally doing it and really looking at individuals as a hole. | 5 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 9 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | When on placement on a hospital ward, myself and a physiotherapist were hoisting a lady who needed to use the toilet. The patient had been previously nursed in bed as she had little or no sitting balance and had used bed pans when needing to eliminate. The physio wanted to assess the patient and thought this was the best time to do so. When getting the patient out of bed we hoisted her onto a commode. However I identified that the patient was not safe on the commode and would end up sliding off. Also I knew that we would be unable to get the sling from underneath the patient. I expressed this to the physiotherapist prior to hoisting the lady but the physio wanted to continue regardless. I was right and the patient was unable to sit on the commode. I felt like the patient's dignity was not maintained and we wasted a lot of time by hoisting the lady. after the event, the physiotherapist apologised to me and acknowledged they were wrong. | I wish that the physiotherapist had listened to me originally, I also wish I had been more assertive as I could have preserved the patient's dignity. | 5 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||
5 | The event i will be discussing is a situation I was involved in, where i had to hit the emergency button on shift. This happened on my third week of placement on a ward. My first year and first ever placement. It was early in the morning and myself and other staff members were helping patients out of bed and into the showers etc. The lady I went to assist was two days post op. She explained she felt sore after getting out of bed so I offered to get a commode to assist her over to the bathroom. On our way to the bathroom the lady explained she felt sick, naturally i quickly looked around for a sick bowl for her and during the time the lady appeared to have a vaso-vagel. I then pressed the emergency button to call for help. other members of staff quickly poured in and we rushed her over to the bed. We all collaborated to help this lady whilst unsure of what was going on. the ward sister and doctor assessed her after we got her oxygen on. other nurses had gone to retrieve the crash trolley. Shortly after the lady came round. As this was the first time I had been involved in this form of situation it was hard because I didn't know what exactly was happening or how I could help. the lady after the event was ok and slowly came off her oxygen after a few days. Shortly after the event other student nurses and the ward sister asked me how I was. This was extremely useful to me as it reassured me that I acted appropriately and they also answered any questions I had. Then they gave me time to reflect on the event which helped myself understand things more clearly and gave me useful evidenc. | Before the event I was felt confident and competent in helping patients as I would any other day. However during the event I panicked as everything happened extremely quick. I had to ignore my panic and just listen carefully and act quickly upon instructions I was given. Everyone around looked concerned for this lady's well being and looked to each other for instruction and clarification. It was amazing to see all the staff collaboratively working together.As this lady was just a few days post op the task of her getting out of bed seemed to have taken alot of her energy and caused her vaso-vagel. This was a great learning curve for me and demonstrated the importance of remaining vigilant and acting quickly on any concerns. this experience was significant because if we had not acted quickly and raised this lady's oxygen levels, things for her may have turned out differently. Discussing this after with other staff members and student nurses help expand my knowledge of what happened to this lady physically but also reassure me that it was natural for me to have received a shock. Others can learn to remain vigilant from the event and also the importance of collaborative working. | 5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 18 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||
Q0 | Description of the event | Reflective account/reflection on the event | Profession | If you selected Other, please specify: | Age | Gender | Year in Programme | The type of clinical/work placement in which the event happened | If you selected Other, please specify: | What the important learning event broadly related to (multiple answer) - Communication | Confidentiality | Checking/Verification | Decision making | Food and nutrition | Leadership, guidance and education | Hand over/information transfer | Infection prevention and control | Invasive procedures | Medications | Moving and handling | Teamwork | Procedure and / or treatment | Using technology or equipment | Violence | Other | If you selected Other, please specify: | What type of learning event do you feel it was? | If the event was a patient safety incident, was it reported through a healthcare reporting system? | If you answered no, why not? | If the event was a patient safety incident, was it documented in the patient's files? | If you answered no, why not? |