Regulations on management quality improvement and patient safety in health and care services in Norway

In January 1, 2017, a new regulation on management and quality improvement came into force within the Norwegian healthcare service. The regulation is a new and improved version of a previous regulation for the same purpose. The Ministry of Health wishes to focus on some key challenges within the Norwegian healthcare services. Among other things, the Ministry points to the following points where there is a need for improvement.

• Clarity associated with responsibility, management and organization

• Insufficient systematics to ensure that employees have the necessary professional skills

• Challenges in interfaces and transitions

• Low degree of implementation of planned measures

• Failure to follow up on whether the measures have had the desired effect

• A little systematic and anchored work with continuous improvement

The new regulation emphasizes management’s responsibility for these conditions, and instructs health and care services to work systematically and planned with the challenges of quality improvement and patient safety. The work on quality improvement and patient safety shall follow a specific systematics defined in sections 6 through 9 of the regulation.

• Section 6 – The Pledge to Plan (Deming Plan)

• Section 7 – The obligation to undertake (Deming Do)

• Section 8 – The obligation to evaluate (Deming Check)

• Section 9 – The obligation to correct (Deming Act)

It’s no secret that the regulation is based largely on W. Edwards Deming`s circle for good quality work – Deming Circle (PDCA Circle).


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