The Gelli Law: Focusing on the Safety of Care and Health Professional Accountability

Recently a decree of the Italian Ministry of Health in APRIL 2017 put in place the innovative Law 24/2017 known colloquially as the Gelli Law, which is focused on the safety of care and the occupational accountability of practitioners in health professions. This law underlines the patient’s right to receive safe care, directly drawn from… Continue reading


Learning from experiences: Communication with specialist teams – a gap in the system?

Inevitably our professional interests are shaped by the important learning events we experience and one compelling personal experience can have enduring consequences for our careers. My interest in clinical errors began at 7.00am one Sunday morning over 20 years ago. I was coming to the end of my night shift in charge of the Intensive… Continue reading


Medical Errors

A rather frequent event that occurs to in-hospital patients is clinical deterioration, especially briefly following their hospital admission. One of the indicators for patient’s early clinical deterioration is the activation of the Rapid Response Systems within 48 hours of patient’s admission. Based on a recent study conducted in the USA, not even the severity of… Continue reading


Mobile Apps for Patient Safety

Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) and Learning & Knowledge Technology (LKT) have brought a social revolution that has pushed to the health context towards a process of continuous innovation. Terms such as e-Health, m-Health, telenursing, telemedicine, Health-apps or even Dr Google are well known among health professionals around the worth (Vizcaya et al., 2017). Mobile… Continue reading


‘How do top-down patient safety initiatives permeate through organisational culture within an NHS Foundation Trust’?

Since the 1990s patient safety has been recognised as a major concern within healthcare worldwide, as well as within the UK National Health Service (NHS). There is evidence to suggest that contact with healthcare can cause avoidable harm and unnecessary death. In the literature, these significant safety failings have often been linked to the prevailing… Continue reading
